Podcasts and publications
Ring Ring – don’t give me a call. David Palfreeman wrote this article for the Law Institute of Victoria, Law Institute Journal back in 2007 on Telemarketing law. (Note the law has changed since this article was published.) Law Institute of Victoria, Law Institute Journal, (2007) 81(5) LIJ, p. 54
David chatted with Adam Posner as part of his Loyalty leaders Series. https://thepointofloyalty.com.au/david-palfreeman-a-loyalty-leader-crm-specialist-engineer-lawyer-and-more/
F1 In Schools is an organisation we support. David Palfreeman has judged at international world championship in Singapore and Adu Dhabi as well as nationally in Australia. On this podcast he talks about his experience.
David debated with Anita Parer from Kyte Consulting on why projects fail: https://www.linkedin.com/events/whyprojectsfail7051786767938551808/comments/
David’s interview on CRM with the WeAgency: https://medium.com/@weagency.digital/crm-talks-10-with-david-palfreeman-46559ce18d71
Launch of Autobarn Accelerate Rewards
Panel Discussion on Retention with Pendula
Article in Arab News where David is interviewed about F1 in Schools
The Blueprint for Future Email and Multichannel Marketing, and CRM – Podcast with Netcore Cloud
David discusses loyalty and attribution models and partnerships with the Loyalty Lounge.